If you order from the website, you have the right to cancel your purchase, regardless of your reason, within 30 days of receipt of the product. If you make use of your right of withdrawal, you must return the product to us.
You must return the product without undue delay, and in any case no later than 30 days after receipt of your order. In connection with the refund of an accepted return, we will charge £6, €6, 60 kr, depending on your currency, for the shipment.
Please note❗️ All products must be returned in original condition for a full refund, including labels and boxes etc.
If you already paid for your product before you returned it, you will be refunded through the same payment method you used when placing the order.
A refund can take up to 12 business days from the day you ship your return. If you have used Klarna invoice, the invoice will be updated within 5-10 business days after we receive your return.
If you wish to return part of the offer, there will be no refund issued. For a refund, all products included in the offer must be returned.
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